Property Development Accurate Estimates


Build with Us

Frame with Us

We frame and we also provide accurate estimates for your general property development projects! Let's go.

We understand you are preparing for your project but knowing the cost is important!

May we help by providing you a cost estimate for completing this work for you? Contact us to discuss and share project details.

Please do not hesitate to reach us by email or phone and we will help you get started.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Accurate estimates require experience and knowledge. We have over 12 years experience in government and private estimates and work. See our low fee table below.

We offer you our accurate estimates at a very low cost. Estimate cost will be credited to projects we are assigned to.

Our cost per accurate estimate 

Up to $6,000        $10 per estimate 

$7,000-$10,000    $15 per estimate

$11,000-$20,000   $20 per estimate

$21,000-$50,000   $99 per estimate

$Over 50,999         $199 per estimate

Turn around time - up to $50,000: 24 to 48 hours; over $50,000: 1 to 2 weeks or your accurate estimate is free. Expedited estimate---where possible: additional $25.  Contact us.

Payment options: Cash/check/Zelle/Crypto accepted.